Bingung nyari "JASA DESAIN GRAFIS" sana sini???

Kami Jasa desain grafis online, Menerima pembuatan desain silahkan kontak kami,harga lebih murah, melayani dari berbagai daerah. layanan yang memudahkan anda untuk mendapatkan desain secara online. Anda tiak perlu repot lagi membung waktu untuk pergi ketempat desain
Kami mengerjakan berbagai macam desain seperti desain kemasan, desain kalender, desain x-banner, desain spanduk, desain kartu undangan, desain iklan cetak, dll.


Menutupi kaca kantor, toko, atau yang lain dengan menggunakan stiker oneway vision akan mengurangi cahaya masuk dan berfungsi sebagai layaknya kaca film


keterangan gambar


Baliho Welcome Tabing Golf Driving Range


Melukis gambar atau Quotes pada dinding kayu pallet dengan cat pada cafe anak bagan Painan


Istirahat dulu sambil nyari inspirasi


Umbul-umbul Ukuran 200x70cm

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Apa Keuntungan Desain Grafis Online?

 Jasa desain grafis online CS adalah layanan yang memudahkan anda untuk mendapatkan desain secara online. Kami mengerjakan berbagai macam desain seperti desain logo, desain kemasan, desain kalender, desain x-banner, desain spanduk, desain kartu undangan, desain kartu ucapan, desain kartu souvenir, desain iklan cetak, dll.

Apa keunggulan CS Desain Grafis Online?

Desain dapat dipesan secara online
Tak perlu khawatir dengan kendala waktu atau jarak. Kami akan mengerjakan desain yang anda perlukan. Anda dapat memesan desain secara online dan hasil desain tersebut akan kami kirimkan kepada anda melalui email. Untuk hasil desain dalam bentuk fisik akan kami kirimkan melalui jasa pengiriman Tiki/JNE ke seluruh wilayah indonesia

Hasil desain berkualitas dan maksimal
Jika di tempat lain jasa desain dibatasi dengan biaya waktu perjam (misalkan Rp50.000 perjam), maka di  CS Desain Grafis Online anda tak perlu khawatir kehabisan banyak biaya dan waktu karena di Jasa desain grafis online tak ada biaya desain perjam sebab kami mengutamakan kualitas desain dan mengutamakan kepuasan konsumen
Anda dapat mengajukan revisi (maksimal 3 kali revisi untuk harga desain reguler) untuk mendapatkan hasil desain terbaik sesuai dengan harapan anda. Presentasi awal dan revisi kami ajukan pada anda melalui email (atau inbox facebook, WA)
Desain yang komunikatif
Dengan pengalaman dan kemampuan kami di bidang ilmu komunikasi, anda akan mendapatkan hasil desain yang komunikatif untuk audience anda.

Kami melayani segala macam jenis desain seperti spanduk, brosur, logo, xbanner, backdrop, kartu nama, cover, poster, edit foto, restorasi foto lama jadi baru, website, gif animasi dll.
Kami  tidak menerima jenis desain buku, company profile lebih dari 4 halaman, banner dan website , multi level marketing dan segala jenis pemalsuan ataupun edit  ijasah dan identitas, dll

 Silahkan Datang Ke Alamat Kami :



Wednesday, 30 May 2018

33 Sick & Silly Questions From Clients That Make You Feel A Complete Dumb

Making a design is not a child’s play. It takes whole lot efforts, devotion, dedication and a designer’s fondness towards his art work; else it would not be as appealing as it is destined to be. A well construct idea, compact thought, detailed deliberation are those few essentials a designer always puts in his design. Without them things would not carry out up to the mark.

Designers treat their art work like a mother looking after her kids who provide them with the best possible excellence. She can’t stand harsh criticism and objections upon her kids. Likewise a graphic designer, art director and visualizer take high charge for making a best design. It is exactly like feeding a design; nourishing it with enticing colours and making it look beyond perfection. Of course it pinches within bones that when a design is made with extreme caution and creative imagination, but it is questioned by its particular client.

It takes a lot of endurance and courage to acknowledge change. If one does not try out a new thing he can never achieve a fruitful end. It is the creativity of the designer what manipulation he exerts in his design. Clients are very often biased and insatiate whatsoever proclaimed design the designer offers to them. They always come out with silly questions and confusion.
Today I am giving forth 33 sick & silly questions from clients that makes you feel screwed up and a complete dumb as these questions are too insane and ridiculously nonsensical. You would not help yourself pulling out your hair. Take it away!

11 Things Graphic Designers Hate Hearing from Clients

1. Why do I have to pay so much for such a small logo?

You run a business or are planning to and you can’t pay enough for that one thing that will build your brand identity. What sort of a world are designers living in? Poor creative minds spend their time to make a logo for a company that’ll soon make them thousands of dollars, and they can’t even ask for a teeny tiny amount for their service. This is totally unfair.

2. …Just make a few changes…

You know it’s very important to clearly define the word “few”. These few changes are more than five for sure. At the end of the ‘list of changes’, the entire project is changed. Don’t you just feel like banging your head on your computer before even trying to make these so called “few” changes.

3. I would like something really different, unique. It should be complex and…

Okay, dude! Hold on. “What exactly do you want me to do?” is what comes to graphic designer’s mind when this conversation takes place. It seems like a riddle designers have to solve and the worst part of this is that you can’t ask a question otherwise the client will give you a strange look that makes you even more uncomfortable.

4. …can we use that?

 The rule of the graphic design world is: do not copy. The worst thing a client can say is to make a design like someone else’s. Yes graphic designers can take inspiration but making a replica is a sin. No matter how much your client urges you to copy, you just can’t do this – it will ruin your portfolio and the next meme series will be on you copying designs. That’ll be a torture.

5. Send me a quote…

Wow, isn’t that a great news for the client? They can get their work done from cheap from someone else. The question is, why on earth did the client waste your time? The moment you read such a reply to your quote email, I’m sure you feel like getting off your chair and pretending like all of this never happened.

6. You know someone who will do it cheaper…try it…

You can get a cheap solution but you cannot guarantee the quality, or the fact that it isn’t plagiarized. If clients are this tight on budget, why can’t they use free DIY tools and make the design themselves. This way they don’t have to pay anything and they’ll spare the graphic designers.

7. I need the design today? Really…

8. I need the design today? Really…

Graphic designers are not machines! They can’t work on the speed of nano-seconds to produce your project within a day or less than that. FYI, they’re human beings. It takes time to think of ideas, select one, execute it, test it and make edits.

9. You sent me all the vector files?

One of the most irritating things is when the clients don’t know anything about design. They’re clueless, and by the time you finish their project you become a teacher. At every step of the way, you have to explain them things. This is why everyone should know these misunderstood graphic design terms before coming anywhere near graphic designers. Clients must have a basic understanding of what graphic design is. Yes, this knowledge is necessary.

10. I need you to choose a better font…

No, you didn’t just say Comic Sans! Is it possible for graphic designers to scream in front of clients when they use this forbidden font name, or they just have swallow the pain of hearing it? Guess the latter is what they do. Comic Sans is not only old school but also a default font of Microsoft which is appropriate for ancient teenagers.

11. Oh yes, and please make…

Make the logo “bigger” – what’s that supposed to mean? A logo is a vector and clients can make it as big or small as they want depending on where they’re using it on. For example, for a billboard you can’t put the same size of logo as you’ve put on your letterhead. This is common sense.

Open your eyes and look at famous brands like Coca Cola or FedEx, they’re logotypes. This means they’re made from a font. When designers make logos that are just fonts, then it’s important for clients to understand that these fonts are not just any random fonts. They are customized to fit the client’s brief. And by the way, fonts are an important part of logo design. Don’t just trash it like it has no importance.

Which meme can you relate to?